时间:2022-04-21 15:16 来源:未知 作者:佚名 点击:次
目录: 译者序:历经时光淘洗而不衰的处世经典 1.万物已近极致 Everything is at its acme 2.品性与智慧 Character and intellect 3.做事时常留有悬念 Keep matters for a time in suspense 4.有识亦应有胆 Knowledge and courage 5.让别人依赖你 Create a feeling of dependence 6.至善至美的境界 A man at his highest point 7.不要比上司更耀眼 Avoid victories over superiors 8.不被激情左右 To be without passions 9.避免土生土长的缺陷 Avoid the faults of your nation 10.财富与名望 Fortune and fame 11.择师而交 Cultivate those who can teach you 12.自然和人工:原料与加工 Nature and art 13.有时三思而行,有时立下决断 Act sometimes on second thoughts, sometimes on first impulse 14.事物本身及做事的方法 The thing itself and the way it is done 15.广纳贤人 Keep ministering spirits 16.学识和善心 Knowledge and good intentions 17.变换你的行为模式 Vary the mode of action 18.能力和努力 Application and ability 19.事前不要让人期望过高 Arouse no exaggerated expectations on entering 20.生逢其时的人 A man of the age 21.幸运之道 The art of being lucky 22.学以致用 A man of knowledge to the point 23.没有瑕疵 Be spotless 24.控制自己的幻想 Keep the imagination under control 25.善于领会弦外之音 Know how to take a hint 26.揪出他人的把柄 Find out each man’s thumbscrew 27.求精深重于求广博 Prize intensity more than extent 28.超凡脱俗 Common in nothing 29.刚直的人 A man of rectitude 30.不做毁誉之事 Have naught to do with occupations of ill-repute 31.学会趋利避害 Select the lucky and avoid the unlucky 32.因善行而闻名 Have the reputation of being gracious 33.知道如何逃避 Know how to withdraw 34.了解自己的最强项 Know your strongest point 35.遇事斟酌,遇要事则更要斟酌 Think over things, most over the most important 36.进退之际,了解时运 In acting or refraining, weigh your luck 37.准备一些讥诮话,并善加利用 Keep a store of sarcasms, and know how to use them 38.急流勇退 Leave your luck while winning 39.了解事物成熟的时机,并善加利用 Recognize when things are ripe, and then enjoy them 40.获得人们的好感 Gain the goodwill of people 41.切勿言过其实 Never exaggerate 42.天生为王 Born to wommand 43.心随精英,口随大众 Think with the few and speak with the many 44.英雄相惜 Sympathy with great minds 45.狡猾可以运用,但不能滥用 Use, but do not abuse, cunning 。。。。。。