按照对话conversation中常会给出的题目和其文本形式来看,每一段对话中,提问一方问的是什么问题其实并不重要,相对来说回答这个问题的答案中才会包含比较多的有价值的解题信息。而在回答的答案部分里,一开始的那一段对于之前问题的直接回答也就是回答者的观点更为重要,而跟在观点之后的很可能是一些类似于论述举例解释的内容,这些内容的价值其实就没有那么高了。另外,对话中并不是每一个问题加回答都需要关注,那些提问比较明显,一般直接用what, when ,where, why等提问词的问题的解答才更重要,其它一些提问不明显,回答也只是起到确认作用的内容多半没有什么价值,也不会成为提问点。最后,关于之前提到的回答者的观点,也并不是全部都要记的,如果回答者自身观点不够明确,其中包含了诸如sometimes或是maybe这样不确定语气态度的词汇,那么这个回答的观点价值也是比较有限的,大多数只是对听力素材中主要观点的补充。
因此,对于讲座类听力素材,小编建议大家获取信息点的方式主要以抓敏感词和整理讲座内容整体结构为主,在此基础上再尽可能多的记录各类细节,争取踩到提问点以满足解题需求。具体来说,大家先要以最快的速度第一时间搞清楚讲座的话题主题,之后根据讲座进行过程中主讲者给出的各种线索类词汇,比如today后面一般就是这次讲座的主要观点,然后first, second之类大多是分论点等等。具体的关键词汇大家可以通过实际的lecture素材来整理,每个人对不同关键词的敏感度都不同,所以需要自己归纳总结才会更有效果。另外对于讲座类听力素材比较常见的出题点也需要考生在做题过程中多加关注,不要只顾着做题,而是多分析一下为什么会在这里出题。通过这种考试,考生对于托福听力讲座类素材的信息价值,才能有更为准确的判断。
In April the world learned that more than 90 percent of Australia's Great Barrier Reef had become bleached. That is, warming waters or other conditions cause the algae living in the coral to exit, leaving the coral weak. It's a bleak statistic, because it's reasonable to assume that as the corals themselves suffer, the entire ecosystem they support suffers as well.
For example, a study finds that bleaching hinders fish from learning to avoid predators.
Imagine you're a fish, and suddenly one of your friends meets its unfortunate end in the jaws of a predator.
"We found that these animals actually have this really sophisticated way of learning, which involves the linking of chemical alarm cues, which are damage-released cues from conspecifics, and any other smell or even the sight of anything novel... sort of a Pavlov's dog-type scenario."
James Cook University marine scientist Mark McCormick. He and his team found that this learning process breaks down when the coral becomes bleached. Instead of hosting algae within, the bleached coral becomes blanketed by algae.
"We've used little patches of live coral and little patches of dead and degrading coral, which have similar topographic complexity, and what we've done is we put those little patches within a bed of either live coral or dead and degraded coral."
Onto each patch, the researchers deposited a small, naive reef dweller called a damselfish. They wanted to see how the health of the reef influenced the fish’s ability to learn to avoid the odor of a predator called the dusky dottyback. And they found that the presence of degraded coral—even if surrounded by a healthy reef—entirely disrupted that learning mechanism.
"It touches on a really big issue, to some extent a really global issue. So, even though this is actually dealing with a relatively small aquarium fish, it's got life history traits that are very similar to virtually all of the other marine organisms."
So, is there anything that can be done to help the world's reefs and their inhabitants?
"These communities are going to have to try and rebuild, and they have really effective mechanisms whereby they can re-seed themselves. But we're talking about timescales of really probably 10-15 years to actually get a healthy reef back after really a cataclysmic change."
And for that to happen, McCormick says, we need to reduce our CO2 emissions and to stop polluting our waterways. In order for things to improve underwater down under.
Thanks for a minute for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I’m Jason Goldman.
1. break down 出毛病,损坏;
例句:Her health broke down under the pressure of work.
2. touch on 谈及;涉及;
例句:The book does not touch on this question.
3. to some extent 在某种程度上;
例句:To some extent I hold that opinion of them still.
4. be similar to 相像的;相仿的;类似的;
例句:His stance towards the story is quite similar to ours.
The news last month that gravitational waves had been discovered made waves throughout the world of science.
The finding, from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO, showed that extreme gravity can cause ripples in spacetime.
In the case studied, the extreme gravity came from two colliding black holes.
Now one scientist is suggesting an added wrinkle—that those two black holes might have originated in a single star.
“The situation is similar to a pregnant woman that has twin babies in her belly.”
Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
He's proposing the idea in a paper that's been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Loeb became suspicious because just 0.4 seconds after LIGO spotted the gravitational waves, a space telescope called Fermi glimpsed a bright flash of gamma-ray light in the same area of the sky.
“Detecting such a signal is quite surprising from a collision of two black holes.
What could be the source of a flash of light following a black hole merger?”
Colliding black holes should not produce such light—but the death of a very massive star could.
“My idea was that if the star is spinning very rapidly to start with, then as its core collapses it produces a bar that breaks into two clumps of matter, sort of like a dumbbell configuration. And these two clumps of matter orbit a common center, and they eventually collapse independently into two black holes.”
Of course, it's possible that the Fermi telescope signal was a false alarm.
So we'll see if future gravitational wave detections are also accompanied by flashes of light—supporting the idea that twin black holes collided upon the collapse of a massive star.
1.gravitational wave 引力波
例句:What will happen when a gravitational wave was found by my computer?
2.come from 来自
例句:I come from the north.
3.black hole 黑洞
例句:Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.
4.start with 开始
例句:To work out a plan, one has to start with investigation.