1、 保持一件坏事的代价超过十件好事。Maintaining one vice costs more than ten virtues.
2、 做贼心虚。Have a guilty conscience.
3、 一本好书,莫逆之交。A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.
4、 空言不能成交易。Bare words, no bargain.
5、 智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。Wise men think what they say, fools what they think.
6、 飞来横祸。A bolt from the blue.
7、 嘴勤不如手勤。Hand is better than mouth.
8、 趁风扬帆。Sail before the wind.
9、 聪明人凡事只须听一半,就会明白究竟。Half a tale is enough for a wise man.
10、 文如其人。The style is the man.
11、 生活犹如梭子。Life is a shuttle.
12、 无所求,则无所获。Nothing seek, nothing find.
13、 眼不馋,心不贪。The eye is not greedy, the heart is not greedy.
14、 能充分利用时间的人不会有时间多馀。Those who make the best use of their time have none to spare.
15、 小小的躯体会有伟大的心灵。Little bodies may have great souls.
16、 知识多,老得快。Much knowledge, much age.
17、 爱和穷难隐瞒。Love and poverty are hard to hide.
18、 说好话的不一定都是朋友。All are not friends that speak us fair.
19、 光荣是美德的影子。Glory is the shadow of virtue.
20、 人是用器之兽。Man is a tool-using animal.
21、 美德永远不衰老。Virtue never grows old.
22、 提出忠告易,照着办事难。It is easier to give good counsel than to follow it.
23、 好故事百听不厌。A good tale is none the worse for being told.
24、 滥交者无友。A friend to none is a friend to none.
25、 我所有的就如我享有的这么多。All I have is as much as I enjoy.
26、 坐享其成。Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
27、 要从别人的愚行中学到聪明。Learn wisdom by the follies of others.
28、 对自己孩子感到高兴的,才是幸福的人。He is happy who is happy in his children.
29、 小过彼此不相谅,两人友谊难长久。Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little failings.
30、 自作孽不可活。You can't do evil to yourself.
31、 金钱是打开一切门户的钥匙。Money is the key that opens all doors.
32、 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。A life without a friend is a life without a sun.
33、 国家智慧,寓于格言,它们精辟,而且简练。The wisdom of nations lies in their proverbs, which are brief and pithy.
34、 做事情不要半途而废。Never do things by halves.
35、 与其锈掉,不如用坏。Better wear out than rust out.
36、 爱情在市场上是找不到的。Love is not to be found in the market.
37、 做事乐意,诸事容易。All things are easy that are done willingly.
38、 无益雄辩不济事,犹如柏树参天不结果。Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress, which is great and tall, and bears no fruit.
39、 白日不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门。A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.
40、 细心勤奋,带来好运。Care and diligence bring luck.
41、 金钱能买到某物,但不是万能的。Money can buy something, but not everything.
42、 头炮打响,等于半个胜仗。The first blow is half the battle.
43、 真理能树,不靠支持。Truth will stand without a prop.
44、 新官上任三把火。A new broom sweeps clean.
45、 耳濡目染,身教言传。Osmosis teaches by example.
46、 谦虚恭敬,不用分文。Be modest and respectful.
47、 行为可显出一个人的品性。Actions reveal a man's character.
48、 事业事人生之盐。Business is the salt of life.
49、 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。Don't judge a book by its cover.
50、 行路踏实,言谈深刻,饮酒豪爽,睡眠酣畅。Walk well, talk well, drink well, sleep well.
51、 戴手套的猫捉不到老鼠。A gloved cat catches no mice.
52、 一分钱,一分货。You get what you pay for.
53、 对人生感到乐趣是女人最好的化妆品。Taking pleasure in life is a woman's best cosmetic.
54、 手头有黄金,惶恐很担心;两手都空空,处在危急中。When we have gold we are in fear; Empty hands are in danger.
55、 爱财是万恶之源。The love of money is the root of all evil.
56、 老而贫穷,负担沈重。Poverty on an old man's back is a heavy burden.
57、 入国问禁,入乡随俗。When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
58、 此人乌云盖顶,彼人艳阳满天。One man's cloud is another man's sun.
59、 除非消灭跳蚤,做事不必急躁。Do not be hasty in doing anything except killing fleas.
60、 对于一只漫无目标的船来说,不论什么方向的风都是逆风。To a ship that has no aim, winds are contrary in all directions.
61、 人死百债了。Death pays all debts.
62、 不合理的事不会持久。What is unreasonable will not last.
63、 美德大多只是良好的习惯。Virtue consists mostly in good habits.
64、 富未必永远带幸福。Riches do not always bring happiness.
65、 健全的精神寓于健康的身体。A sound mind in a sound body.
66、 少女应温良谦恭,敏于听而慎于言。Maidens should be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak.
67、 今日花天酒地,明日潦倒穷途。He that spends today will spend tomorrow.
68、 能享受自己财产的人是财产的真正主人。He is the true master of his fortune that enjoys it.
69、 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。Do business, but be not a slave to it.
70、 狐狸可以改变皮毛,但不能改变习性。The fox may alter his coat, but not his habit.
71、 物不伤其类。Things do not hurt their kind.
72、 唯有美德是真正高贵的。Virtue is the only true nobility.
73、 狼的生就是羔羊的死。The life of a Wolf is the death of a lamb.
74、 懂得最少的人自以为最了不起。He thinks most who knows least.
75、 心无二用。The heart can do no two things.
76、 靠欺骗得来的利益会使自己受害。Gain gained by deceit will catch up with itself.
77、 每一羊群里都会有一只黑羊,丑儿子家家有(意指:每个家里都会有个败家子。)There is a black sheep in every flock, and every family has an ugly son.
78、 越老越狡猾。The older the more cunning.
79、 爱挑的担子不嫌重。A burden of one's choice is not felt.
80、 音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。Music washes away from the soul the dirt of everyday life.
81、 农民是文化和繁荣的奠基者。The peasants were the founders of culture and prosperity.
82、 事情本无好与坏,全在自己怎么想。There is no such thing as good or bad, it's all in your own mind.
83、 妖由人兴。The devil makes the man.
84、 群群羊中有黑羊。There is a black sheep in the flock.
85、 (DarleneLemos)爱情就像一条安详而深沉河流;爱情就像一个没有人能保守的秘密。Love is like a calm, deep river; Love is like a secret no one can keep.
86、 口头方便不费力。Verbal convenience is effortless.
87、 (YogiDesa)我们只能用心中的爱去做一切事情。We can only do everything with love in our hearts.
88、 最大的恨产生于最大的爱。The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
89、 没有朋友者,等于是死人。He who has no friend is dead.
90、 质量比数量重要。Quality matters more than quantity.
91、 责备应受责备者,表扬应受表扬者。He who blames, shall be blamed. He who commends, shall be praised.
92、 伤风时宜吃,发热时宜饿。Feed a cold and starve a fever.
93、 记得青年时所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth.
94、 爬得越高,摔得越重。He that climbs high falls heavily.
95、 青年时代是人生的播种期。Youth is life's seed-time.
96、 听天由命。Let fate take its course.
97、 如要骡子无缺点,只有自己徒步行。If a mule without faults, he must walk on foot.
98、 若有人称赞你,要自问对不对。If you are praised, ask yourself if you are right.
99、 人非生而知之者。Man is not born wise.